Advisory Panel

Dr. Gayathri Bhat

M.S. PhD
(Obs. & Gynae)

Dr. Girish KJ

M.D. PhD

Dr. B. A. Lohith

M.D. PhD

Dr. Shiv Kumar





Dr. Girish KJ

M.D. PhD

Dr. B. A. Lohith

M.D. PhD

Dr. Shiv Kumar


About Us

Human is the sharpest minded creature in the nature. Whenever a human tries to adapt any natural system or method according to himself, then its terrible results will see in the future. There can be millions of such examples when humans changed the natural laws for their own benefit and the human race had to bear the brunt of it. In recent years, IVF has gained a lot of momentum and is against the basic human principles. Some other form of origin of life is being prepared. The impact of modern technology and allopathic medicines in human life is so deep that it cannot be denied under any circumstances. The consequences of which have been seen from time to time. Due to all these reasons big changes are being seen in the world and the trend of people is constantly moving towards Ayurveda. IVF is not the only option; We have to try for permanent cure by trusting Ayurveda medicine.

Mission & Vision

In today's time, the problem of infertility has become common even among the youth and having IVF option in their mind has become a misconception. Our main objective is that we should be able to cure maximum infertility problems with Ayurvedic medicines.

The option of IVF should be chosen only when the problem is not resolved. If Ayurvedic medicines make fertility possible, the health of the coming baby will be better than IVF and the woman will get motherhood.'

Main Reasons


Lack of nutritions, weight, Physical ans psychological stress.

Dietery habits

Fast foods like pizza burger , Caffine products (More than 300gms of coffee in a day will leads to infertility.)

MTP kit

Usage of MTP kit without doctor consultation can leads to infertility.


Irregular periods can lead to infertility. The chances of miscarriage and pre-term delivery is more in PCOS.


The biggest reason of infertility in youth is stress and anxiety. Stress creates hormonal imbalance which leads to infertility.


Today’s generation is addicted to electronic products like mobile phones etc.. The radiations from these electronic products have huge effect on harmones.


a. For men:- Anabolic steroids Narcotic painkillers SSRI Antidepressants Heavy alcohol.
b. For Women:- Chlorpromozene SSRI Antidepressants Antirheumatic drugs.


1. Female
a. Ovulatory dysfunction

Irregular periods(egg can’t release every month)

b. Tubal disease

Blockage in fallopian tube by any infection, surgery or endometrioses. 25-35% of infertility in female is because of tubal disease.

c. Uterine factor

Sometimes the whole uterus will become the reason of infertility. Like- uterus can’t grow properly , occurance of fibroids and polyps in uterine cavity.

d. Cervical factor

the opening of uterus become narrow or blocked due to cervical factors. That’s why sperms can’t travel to fallopian tube.

e. Pelvic endometriosis

A disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus.

f. Ovarian factor

Abnormality in PCOS,PCOD

2. Male
a. Erectile dysfunction

When penis can’t erection at the time of intercourse.

b. Low testosterone

It is a condition in which your testicles don’t produce enough testosterone.

c. Disorder of Sperm transport

low sperm count , sperm motility , varicocele(low sperm production).

d. Idiopathic

When any other disease like cancer , diabities etc.. affects fertility.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

What is Infertility ?
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive within one or more year of regular and unprotected coitus.
Primary Infertility

Primary Infertility denote those patients who have never conceived.

Secondary Infertility

Secondary Infertility indicates previous pregnancy but failure to conceive subsequently.

Allopathic Treatments

Allopathy treatment has to be adopted due to all the above reasons. The results of which are not that positive but also have side effects on health. Sometimes the circumstances become so serious that the mental balance is completely disturbed.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

After losing everything, only one option remains which is called In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Earlier it was called test tube baby. IVF increases the risk of infant mortality in the first year of life by 45%.

Risk About IVF
Multiple Births
Premature delivery
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Egg Retrieval procedure complications
Ectopic pregnancy
Birth defects
Stress etc.
-Ref. Myoclinic
IVF babies has a 45% increase risk of Dying with in their first year of life

Treatment Process

Treatment under prime gyno is not like you visit the doctor and doctor gave some medicines to cure you. Treatment is done by a particular process under prime gyno is it.

1. Medical history of patient

First of all , the history of couple will be collected. Like :- how long has it been since the marriage , past treatments and medicines.

2. Investigation

After analyzing medical history , medical examinations are done for the both male and female , as per requirements.

3. Analyzing reports by multiple doctors

When all reports are collected by admin, the admin will send reports to multiple ayurvedic doctors. Every doctor will personally analyse the reports.

4. Preparation of medicine

By mutual consultation of multiple doctors , a perfect ayurvedic medicine will be prepared according to the patient.

5. Diet chart and exercises

Beside medicines, Diet chart and different exercises are also recommended to patients that helps them to cure easily.
